Well, there's been a shitload of stuff going on at Cafepress with the announcements of changes in the affiliate program and the introduction of Commission Junction as the new 3rd party to handle the affiliate program.
I have bloodshot eyes, a pounding head, huge beer bill and used about 10 boxes of kleenex, trying to figure this out.
First of all, Cafepress hired 2 gals by the names of Shelby and Jill to head up this whole new affiliate thingy. As a Shopkeeper and wannabe affiliate marketer, I would like to know when my POD company hires new people whose decisions will have an affect on my business with the company. I want the whole scoop, education, experience, age, YES AGE! If these 2 gals are just a couple of years out of college and still fresh faced with perky virgin breasts, I don't trust em'! They've probably never had any hard times or been so broke they couldn't pay attention. And where the hell are they from? Are they a product of the "Real housewives of Orange County?" These little chickadees may not have a clue about the real world!
They sure as hell didn't have a clue as to how many people (aka shopkeepers) they were going to piss off with thier little announcement. The shopkeepers are who drives cafepress and makes Fred and Maheesh all thier money. Without us they wouldn't be squat.
I'll give Cafepress this, the affiliate program they started was probably not performing to thier expectations. But, until I read about a 1000 posts about commission junction I didn't have a true grasp on what they really expected of the affiliate program. Now that I do, I don't think CP explained it as thouroughly to the shopkeepers as they should have and I don't think they gave us enough time to get it implemented. I know I have several off cp sites that are affiliate sites and I was just getting started in the promotion of these sites and now I'm going to have to go back and make an assload of changes to stay in the game.
I have a cousin who is a very successful businessman and I have learned a lot from him.
#1 Treat the people who drive your business well. If you work with them and reward them they will return the favor with thier loyalty. This means they will stay working for or with you. They will be on time, they will stay late, they will volunteer to help out when needed and they will sing the praises of you and your business.
#2 Take a look at what does work and get input and make it better.
#3 Take a look at what doesn't work and ask your people why and then ask them to help you make the appropriate changes.
#4 Don't drop bombshells on your people or treat them badly. THEY DON'T LIKE IT! I have this personal philosophy, "I was looking for a job when I found this one". Just like I was looking for an internet business when I found CP. If it gets to hot, I'll be outta there like shit through a goose. There are other options.
#5 Last but not least, pay them well.
I'm not neccessarily for or against the changes at CP. We'll see how it shakes out, but the whole situation was handled very badly at the expense of the shopkeepers who are the people who drive the MONEY at cp. In the meantime I am exploring other ventures.
The positive is I've learned so much at cp and from all of the great people on the forum boards I can't thank them enough. It gives me the confidence to explore new ventures and know that those great folks will always be there to hold my hand when the going gets tough. Those folks have been great, not only for the help I've gotten with my internet ventures, but when I needed a shoulder to whine on or a place to vent or help with a personal issue they've been there for me. They've also made me laugh until I almost pee'd my pants, and I will always hold these people close to my heart.