So, California is so broke it's sending out iou's for state income tax refunds. Thanks, Arnie!
In an effort to be liberally progressive and love everyone and everything, California is broke.
Just take a look at the illegal immigrant situation in California. The state treats them better than their own legal residents. I've heard all the arguments, we need them to pick the strawberries, oranges, etc. because no one else will. Bull pucky!
How about all those folks on unemployment? Get their buns out there. No show up to pick oranges, no unemployment check. Welfare folks, no pick strawberries, no food stamps. Gang bangers and other dumb shits in jail, pick fruit all day and you'll be to damn tired to fight and cause trouble at the prison.
The government could work out a deal where the farmer pays the government a reasonable (cheaper) rate for the labor and the government can use the money to offset tax dollars used.
This way we've got folks working, don't need the illegals, fund government offices, and lower the cost of labor, which should lower the cost of fruits and veggies.
Besides, the illegals are ILLEGAL! Since when do they deserve any rights?
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