Wednesday, October 07, 2009


I am so sick of the current state of affairs in politics in America, I could just puke.

The whole health care mess is well,,, a mess.

We do not need health care reform, we need how to pay for health care reform. Granted a tough row to hoe, but what Obama wants, is crap.

In fact, in my opinion, everything Obama wants is crap.

You cannot please all of the people all of the time, and not all of the people even want to be pleased.

And as far as Nancy Pelosi goes, that bitch can kiss my ass. She needs to get her nose out of our military, she has no clue what the military is about or what they do, or why they do it. She is so rich and so stuck up on her high horse, if we had a terrorist attack, that disturbed her little world, she wouldn't live a week.

I do not understand the whole health care reform stuff, tax people for having a great plan, and then, tax people who can't afford any insurance at all! Hello! If you can't afford any health insurance, you sure as hell don't need to be taxed for that, you're already fucking broke.

And Nancy Pelosi's value added tax. Give me a break. If the IRS thought they were busy before, the average American citizen, will go back to bartering, cash, growing a garden, raisning a few chickens, a cow or 2, a couple of goats and hogs, a few turkey, and so on and we just won't report what we're doing.

Those of us who have the means will also put in a wood stove, if we don't already have one, we'll chop our wood and screw the heating oil and gas companies, we'll take advantage of our government green programs and install wind and solar power, or we'll simply do it on our own and the government, can kiss off.

I know that our politicians run around trying to please what they think are the biggest groups, that have the most voting power, that will keep them in their cushy political office jobs.

What these politicians have not considered, is the rest of us, who have the good ole American, indepenent, entreprenurial spirit, to go it on our own.

I for one do not need a politician, to make my life happy or comfy!

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