BANGKOK, Thailand - An American Web site offering G-string underwear and T-shirts for dogs emblazoned with picture of Buddha dropped them from its sales list on Wednesday after protests by predominantly Buddhist Thailand.
“It is a good thing they understand our sensitivity,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Piriya Khempon said a day after saying the products sold on California-based on-line store had offended Thais and Buddhists elsewhere.
The site sells more than 70 items, ranging from T-shirts to teddy bears to beer pitchers bearing pictures of religious figures and philosophers from Hindu god Shiva to Jesus Christ and Mahatma Gandhi.
Although the site removed advertisements for Buddha G-strings and dog T-shirts, items depicting Jesus and Shiva remained.
About 90 percent of the 64 million people in Thailand, where dogs are regarded as inferior beings, are Buddhist.

So the little Buddha believers were offended! Cheese and Rice people! I'm offended Buddhist think dogs are inferieor beings. The more I know people the More I love my dog.
The design was acutally kind of cute. As for not offending people, you can't please everybody and some folks are just to damn sensitive. I say they should put on thier big girl panties and deal with it!
I don't run around being offended everyday because somebody said or did something offensive related to Jesus or the American Flag. I don't have time to be that sensitive.
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