I am Jane 6 pack, married to, mother, sister, grandma, niece, girlfriend whatever, of Joe 6 pack.
I am Jane 6 pack and I'm not gonna take it anymore.
The 7 billion dollar bail out approved by our elected officials is the biggest bag of bullshit I have ever seen in my life. What a crock of shit. I live on 120 acres, and I don't have enough room to spread all the bullshit that the bailout is full of!
We need to bail out loan companies cuz they made loans to people who couldn't pay them back, so now we have a credit crisis, and folks can't borrow money. Give me a fucking break! The American public does NOT need to borrow any more money. We need to pay back what we owe!
Why didn't our politicians, the powers that be, that we elect, send us a check so we could pay off our debts!?
Seven hundred billion dollars! Give me a fucking break! How is that s upposed to trickle down to me Jane 6 pack, who is married to Joe 6 pack? We are the average American who makes about $45,000/year. I challenge any politician to live my lifestyle! You want my vote? You want me to take you seriously? Live like I do! You can't do it. Not only can you n ot live on my family's income, you couldn't stand the thought of doing your own laundry, walking your own dog, fixing your own breakfast, packing a lunch, cooking your own supper, paying your own bills, picking the beans in the garden. And on and on.
It won't! Sad to say, my husband, myself and our children and the grandchildren, we don't even have yet, don't have a prayer in hell of ever paying off this mess.
Like I said, I am Jane 6 pack and I am mad as hell and I am NOT going to take it anymore and I am going to be on the ass of every politician that pisses me off, and does not at least try to use some common sense!
I won't bomb you or shoot you or anything like that, but, I will blog you, I will email you, I will write letters to the editor, I will be on local radio, I will make t-shirts and sticker that express my opinion.
I will be on your ass every second of every day, and I will let your know how I feel!
Jane has spoken and will continue to do so until every single elected official gets their shit together and represents the people and not the special interest groups and the big money!
You don't understand where the big money really is! If Joe and Jane 6 pack start putting all of their money under the bed or in a can in the back yard, instead of in their 401k or their mortgage or what ever, all of you big time, over educated idiots, self sanctimoniuous assholes will be the freezing grasshopper in the ant and the grasshopper story and trust me, Jane and Joe 6 pack are going to let you freeze to death and good riddance!

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