Friday, October 24, 2008

Update on the marjuana dog

The marjiauna dog lived! Totally amazing! That puppy was on deaths door when she came in. The fact that she lived has nothing to do with any treatment we did. The good Lord was looking down on Fluffy.

There is a part of me that is optomistic that Fluffy will serve a higher purpose.

I know she touched my heart.

Our local State Patrol is pushing this case hard and busting butt to make an animal cruelty charge. I know it seems odd that it should be that tough to make a case, but heck we're in Nebraska, home of the screwed up safe haven law. Along with one of the worst child welfare states in the nation. The safe haven law and it's screwed up mess should tell you that.

We, in the state of Nebraska, can't even get child welfare and safety right, let alone animal welfare.

The troopers are pushing for animal cruelty, because it carries a stiffer fine and tougher punishment than the possesion of marijuana charge. Go figure? I just hope they get it done.

Now, back to the "safe haven" issue.

OMG! What a fucking mess. Nebraska is one of the last states to come on board with a safe haven law. Shame on us. Then our fearless leaders in Lincoln, don't put an age limit on it so we have people dropping off kids of all ages. Then we have people from other states dropping of kids of all ages.


Then, we have folks writing letters to the editors in papers all over the state, whining about the safe haven law. We even made Fox News more than once, in 2 weeks!

Nebraska's safe haven law, was not properly written by our lawmakers. But, if you look back over the last several years and paid any attention to Nebraska news, you will note we have one of the worst states in the nation when it comes to child welfare. It's been investigated, audited, studied, had reccomendations, and we still suck.

The one thing I have learned from the Nebraska safe haven law fiasco is, Nebraska sucks at taking care of our children.

A lot of lettors to the editor took the tone, of these parents don't want their kids. But if you really followed it, that is not the case.

One mother, a single mom, has a good job, insurance benifits, not on welfare, pays her bills. She has 2 children and a cat. She has a son, that she invoked the safe haven law on and dropped off. It's not that she didn't want to keep him. But at 11 or 12 he was out of control. He was beating his sister, torturing the cat and destroying the house. Her insurance would only pay for 2 or 3 days of help in a mental facility. That was not enough. She went to all the state agencies, reached out to church and community organizations.

But, because this Mom is doing all the right things, her kid couldn't get the help he really needed. She dropped him off at a hospital and invoked the Nebraska safe haven law and gave up custody of her son, because she knew it was the only way he would get the help he needed. Not to mention she has to be concerned about her other child and the pet, whose well being and life she is responsible for.

She did NOT drop this child off because she didn't want him, she dropped him off because it was the only way he could get the help he needed!

She said as much in an interview with an Omaha World Herald reporter.

So, to the leaders of the great Cornhusker state.

When are we going to get some decent animal cruelty laws and when are YOU going to get your heads out of your asses and quit farting around with our child welfare laws, and audits, investigations, reccomendations, and MAKE the people in those jobs actually do their jobs.

In the private sector if I sucked as bad at my job as you do, I'd be unemployed!

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