Saturday, November 01, 2008


So, earlier today, I was reading an advice column referencing helpful house/yard/garage cleaning hint.

One lady wrote in, "my kids colored on the garage floor with permanent marker, how do I clean it up?"

Duh, don't clean it up, PARK THE CAR OVER IT! It's the fucking garage floor, who gives a shit if the kids colored on it?

Another lady wondered how to get the little furballs out of the velcro on her precious little doggies coat.

Duh, get a dog with some damn fur so it doesn't need a coat, or move to a warmer climate.

The ones that really get me are the ladies who write in about their wonderful boyfriend, all except for one thing, the SOB is married, it's been 2 years and he's still has not left his wife.

Hello DUMB ASS! He's not going to leave his wife for you, you're giving him what he wants anyway. Besides, why in the hell would you want him? He's a CHEATER! He's cheating on his wife with you, and cheating on you with his wife. Besides, IF you ever get to be his wife, won't you always wonder if he's cheating on you with someone else? Kick the guy in the nuts and get a life, or a dog, or a cat or a goldfish. Less money, hassle, stress and they are always glad to see you no matter what.

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