So, Obama has decided to play the race card. What a dumb ass.
I'm from middle class, white, conservative, western Nebraska and I am a Redneck, and I could care less what color Obama is. Well, I didn't until he started whining about it.
Not to mention he's whining about hurricane Katrina. Kiss my big white ass.
You don't see any 300 pound black women in Iowa whining help me, some one feed me. In fact you don't see anyone whining they need any help. No, they are all helping each other clean up the mess and get on with there lives. No whining allowed.
Fuck FEMA.
And he's blaming Bush for Katrina? Give me a fucking break. Bad shit happens all the time.
In my opinion, blacks, african americans, mexicans, hispanics, gays, lesbians or whoever else you are that are claiming discrimination, prosecution, or what ever. I don't give one flying shit about any of that. YOU are the one who keeps bringing it up. I DON'T CARE! If you'd shut up about it, it wouldn't be a fucking issue.
Just come to work, do your job, and when you get home, I don't care if you sit in sweat lodge, fry fish, eat watermelons or give your SO a blow job or eat their pussy.
have a nice day.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Randy and Harley Booth
From ksid radio
Bond set at $75,000 / 10% for man arrested in Sunol Tuesday night
Bond has been set for a Sunol man accused of stabbing a neighbor Tuesday evening. Cheyenne County Sheriff Darrell Johnson says 54-year-old Randy Booth is in the local jail on $75,000 bond / ten percent.
Booth was arrested last night for allegedly stabbing another man in Sunol. The victim has not been publicly identified but KSID has learned he survived the incident and was listed in serious condition in the ICU atMemorial Health Center in Sidney .
Booth is being held on charges of felony aggravated assault and use of a weapon to commit a felony.
The investigation into the incident remains ongoing. (Dave Collins 6/18)
Such scandalous goings on in Sunol, NE! Harley is Randy's 13/14 year old son and has made a habit of running across the street to the neighbors and peeking in their windows at their little girls. One of the neighbors finally got fed up and confronted Randy.
Randy is an odd duck and that's being nice, he's a 2 time convicted felon already so this is probably the end of the line for him. What will become of Harley remains to be seen. And what will happen to all of Randy's scroungy, nasty German Shepherds also remains to be seen. Most likely they will all be put down. They're not fit for rehab to go to new homes.
Bond set at $75,000 / 10% for man arrested in Sunol Tuesday night
Bond has been set for a Sunol man accused of stabbing a neighbor Tuesday evening. Cheyenne County Sheriff Darrell Johnson says 54-year-old Randy Booth is in the local jail on $75,000 bond / ten percent.
Booth was arrested last night for allegedly stabbing another man in Sunol. The victim has not been publicly identified but KSID has learned he survived the incident and was listed in serious condition in the ICU at
Booth is being held on charges of felony aggravated assault and use of a weapon to commit a felony.
The investigation into the incident remains ongoing. (Dave Collins 6/18)
Such scandalous goings on in Sunol, NE! Harley is Randy's 13/14 year old son and has made a habit of running across the street to the neighbors and peeking in their windows at their little girls. One of the neighbors finally got fed up and confronted Randy.
Randy is an odd duck and that's being nice, he's a 2 time convicted felon already so this is probably the end of the line for him. What will become of Harley remains to be seen. And what will happen to all of Randy's scroungy, nasty German Shepherds also remains to be seen. Most likely they will all be put down. They're not fit for rehab to go to new homes.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Monday, June 16, 2008
Tobacco and tax dollars
Rednecks and chew go together like hot dogs and buns. I am so sick of the government telling me I shouldn't smoke or chew! Assholes!
I know it's not good for you, but shit, it's not like I'm blowing up buildings or doing drive by shootings!
And for all you government geeks out there, if all of us chewers and smokers give up the bad nicotine tobacco habits, you'd lose all your cushy tax revenue.
Then what the hell ya gonna do? By the by, if you Google tobacco tax revenue you'll discover that all the money that was won in all those lawsuits that was supposed to help all of quit this nasty habit, is not being spent for that.
It's supporting all kinds of medical programs, the government crooks claim most of it is for kids, but I'd bet most of it is probably being spent on illegal immigrants and welfare moms who keep shelling out kids via immaculate conception.
Besides that what about all the other stuff the tobacco taxes fund. Like Memorial Stadium in Lincoln, Ne. It was built with a lot of cigarette tax money, but can you smoke in there? NOOOOOOOO!
So, to my government, I'll quit smoking/chewing when you can quit spending the tax dollars generated by my bad habit.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Redneck Special Forces

Redneck Special Forces
United States Redneck Special Forces
The USRSP have been given these 5 facts about Iraqi Terrorists.
1. The season opened today.
2. There is no limit.
3. They taste just like chicken.
4. They don't like beer, country music, jesus or chicken.
5. They are directly responsible for the death of your
favorite race car driver.
This shit will be over in a week!
Redneck Hooker

Redneck Hooker
Funny how a word that means one thing to some folks can have a whole different meaning in a different part of the country. The redneck hooker is just that. To a redneck, a hooker is his favorite fishing lure.
Redneck horse shoes the Nebraska way

Out here in Nebraska, we pitch horse shoes the redneck way! With toilet seats! Actually we did this at a family reunion, it was great fun. All the regular horse shoe pitching rules applied, we just used toilet seats instead of horse shoes.
Get this hilarious Redneck horseshoes shirt here.
A Redneck's famous las words

A Redneck's famous last words........
Hold my beer and watch this. With summer here and all the good ole redneck boys spending more time outside playing redneck games and drinking beer, this is the perfect t-shirt for their wives or girlfriends.
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Monkey party
Monkey Party
Isn't this Monkey Party shirt adorable?
I found it surfing around looking for cute shirts for kids. There other monkey shirts and other great cartoon shirts on this web site. Just click on Monkey party to see all the cute shirts.
I thought it was cute because when I was a kid, mom used to call us little monkeys, when we got to screwing around and acting silly.
Barbed wire and thong panties
A thong
is kind of like barbed wire, it protects the property with out obstructing the view!
I figured all my Redneck friends would love this t-shirt.
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