Friday, September 12, 2008

Pull up your pants

So, I was watching the news this morning and some dumb ass in Florida had committed a robbery and tried to escape in his car. Well, the traffic was bad and that wasn't working, so in order to evade arrest, he ditched the car and started running through traffic.

There was just on little problem, he's one of those dumb asses that adores the droopy drawers look. You know, where if you didn't have on your boxer shorts you'd get arrested for indecent exposure.

So the sky cam helicopter is following this chase on TV and you can see this dumb ass running around in traffic, only thing is my Grandma could run faster than that, cuz she pulls up her pants.

Finally he stops his little morning jog and appears he's giving up, but just in case and since he's a big ole guy, the cops tase him. Way to go. It was hilarious, rolling around in the middle of the street with his boxers hanging out. Dumb ass!

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