Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Tuesday night

It's Tuesday night.

The hubby has gone to town to play league pool and I am at home with a 6 pack, the remote and the internet. Woo Hoo.

I'll start with shit that pisses me off. The USPS. I am expecting 2 checks, that total a bit over $3000 in the mail and all of a sudden, I'm not getting any mail. Haven't had a scrap of mail for 5 days! No bills, no junk mail, no nothing! WTF!

The people who I'm expecting the checks from have mailed them. I checked. The USPS is full of shit. Used to deal with them when I worked at the local paper. The USPS is one of the few businesses/govt agencies that you will deal with where you pay up front for services you don't always get.

In the newspaper business, the paper pays all postage on mailed paper subscription before the paper gets mailed. However the paper and magazines all go 3rd class. This means 1st class, priority, air mail and whatever else goes first. So 3rd class gets sorted and sent last. Guess what!? If PO is to busy or short handed they don't effing bother.

Somewhere? There is a warehouse full of newspapers, magazines, packages, etc. that have had th postage paid and never been delivered. I wonder what the USPS does with that stuff? Do they have a big ole secret summer wienie roast and use that stuff for the fire? In the 4 years I worked at the paper there were 4 people in CO with a sub that only got 2 to 3 papers a week out of 5. That is a lot of paper, especially if you multiply it by, oh, say 100 who never got stuff from where ever. Then think about the whole country! OMG! The USPS can furnish the fire, the rest of us could all bring a pkg of hot dogs, a 6 pack and a sack of chips and we could have a Redneck bbq that would put Woodstock, Sturgis and the democratic and republican convention to shame.

In case you haven't figured it out, I am pissed at the postal service! For a change, I am expecting money in the mail, do you think it has showed up? NO! If it was a bill it would get to my box before it was mailed!

On a good note, I havn't got any junk mail either. I wish I could figure out how to quit getting that crap. What a waste of trees.

On another note. My blog is popular and I got spanked the other day by my oldest sons employer! He is a state patrolman and a member of SWAT. I can't say which state cuz that's what got me in trouble. Seems they have google alerts, and when I mentioned a certain thing, they got pinged and I got my little typing fingers spanked. Not bad, it was really kind of funny in the end.

It was one of those things that was good and bad at the same time. Hope the powers that be come back and visit now and then.

Well, folks, I better check out and let the dogs in and head to bed.

Gotta spend an evening cleaning and get my stuff ready to go to Lincoln on Sat for the Husker Virginia Tech game! Woo Hoo!

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