Officials: Dad finds naked boy in daughter's room, hits him with pipe
A Deltona father ended up in jail Thursday after finding his daughter's teenage boyfriend naked in the girl's bedroom and hitting him with a pipe, sheriff's officials said. Raul Colon, 45, didn't even know his daughter had a boyfriend -- or that the youngster had been sneaking into the home for more than a year. So when he heard noises coming from his daughter's room early Thursday and saw a naked stranger standing on the girl's bed, he swung a metal pipe he had taken from the garage, hitting the 15-year-old, according to a Volusia County sheriff's report. Colon was charged with aggravated battery on a child but was released from jail later Thursday on $10,000 bail, a booking officer said. No one answered the phone at Colon's residence Thursday for comment. According to the report, Colon heard the noise in his daughter's room when he got up at 4 a.m. to let his dog out, as he does every morning. Colon told deputies he chased Lucas Contreres through the kitchen, living room and through the front door and out into the street and called 9-1-1. Colon's daughter later told deputies she had been seeing Contreres for 18 months but did not tell her father about the relationship. Contreres had sneaked in through a bedroom window at 3 a.m. Thursday to have sex with her, the 15-year-old girl told deputies. Contreres was found at Florida Hospital Fish Memorial in Orange City where he received staples to close cuts on his head. His injuries were not life-threatening, deputies said. Contreres told deputies a similar account to Colon's. He said Colon came into the room and started swinging at him with the metal pipe. He jumped out of the bed and began running through the home to get away from Colon. Once outside, he jumped on his bike and went home. His sister later took him to the hospital, deputies said. Although Contreres' father said he wasn't sure whether he wanted to press charges, deputies took Colon to jail anyway. Ok, there is no fucking way in hell the dad should have gone to jail. He had a male person he did not know in his daughters bedroom. He's lucky I don't have any girls and that he wasn't in my daughters bedroom, I'd have filled his ass with buckshot. I do wonder though why the Dad hadn't noticed before??? That is still beside the point. Local law enforcement is whining cuz he smacked a kid only 15. Hello! For all the dad knew he could have been a crack head or on PCP! Being 15 DOES not exempt you from the law. And while we're at it, I'll spank the daughter and the Dad too! She should not have had her BF in the house, and why does'nt Dad know? And where the hell is MOM? Drunk, loaded, high? And where the hell is the damn dog? The dog has'nt raised a fit all this time dingle ass is sneaking in? Piss poor dog in my opinion. On another note, we had a truck stolen some years ago by"minors", as an adult, even though we were the "victims" we could not go to court because if the perp is "under age" court proceedings are closed. That is the biggest crock of shit! They should make those proceedings public. Kids get away with way to much crap these days. In fact, I am in favor of public whippings every Friday afternoon on the court house lawn. If you are a minor and you did something dumb, we're going to give you a good old fashioned, behind the outhouse whupping, and then we're going to whup your folks for not keeping track of your stupid ass. The rest of us will be allowed to sit on the sidewalk in front of Stewies bar in Sidney, NE and drink beer and watch! If anyone from the NSP is watching, have a good and safe week. Janelle #682's Mom
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