Thursday, October 23, 2008
Archives > Gering Courier > Opinion
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Judge should go
Published: Thursday, October 23, 2008 2:49 PM CDT
An important issue will soon come before Panhandle voters, the retention
election of District Court Judge Kristine Cecava.
Although nearly everyone in the Panhandle will recall her nationally known
and infamous ruling of Richie Thompson, the pedophile who was ²too short for
prison,² there are other, lesser-known rulings that are equally appalling
and should be given grave consideration before finally casting a final
In case CRO8-018, Judge Cecava ruled that a husband, who repeatedly struck
his wife in the head with a metal bucket, could not be charged as a
perpetrator of assault with a deadly weapon because a metal bucket cannot be
considered a deadly weapon even though it brought about injuries requiring
hospitalization of the victim.
In the case of CI08-125, a civil divorce action, Judge Cecava ruled that a
stay-at-home mother of two children trying to launch a career as a freelance
photographer was not be granted custody of her children because the judge
wanted her to ³grow up² and get a ³real job.²
In the case of CI08-153, an application for order of protection by a
college-aged woman who was repeated stalked and harassed by an ex-boyfriend,
was denied by Judge Cecava with the justification that it would ruin the
young man¹s future by ³creating a black mark on his record² should he ever
find himself in a custody matter. The young man was expelled from the
college he was attending when the administration validated a stalking
complaint made by the same victim.
And, returning to the case of Richie Thompson, who was given a sentence of
probation for the crime of sexual assault on a child, a young female store
clerk reported several incidents of his stalking her at her job wherein he
would follow her throughout the business and ask for her help to find items
such as personal lubricant. Judge Cecava refused to act on this information
when it was presented to her, suggesting this is acceptable behavior from a
registered sex offender. As a matter of fact, she told the reporting
official to stop ³freaking out² about it!
A newspaper recently printed the Nebraska State Bar¹s judicial approval
rating at a lowly 57 percent for Judge Cecava. This is clearly an ³F² grade
from attorneys who stand before her and are regularly subjected to her
erratic and oft times dangerous rulings.
We must make a right decision on Election Day. Cast a ³NO² vote for Judge
Cecava on Nov. 4 for the safety of our community and the preservation of
Wilkie Collins
Citizens for Justice
Before I post any thoughts on the above letter to the editor, I will clarify, that I double checked and this editorial was in the Gering Courier.
I totally agree with this gentleman, that Judge Ceceva needs to go. I don't think she has nearly as much interest in judicial issues as she does in haunting the Salvation Army and the Catholic Ladies Rummage room looking for antiques and trinkets. Several of my friends in law enforcement aren't to fond of her either. She makes it very difficult for them to get drug convictions. She gives the criminal every break she can possibly get away with, while nitpicking our police officers to death.
There is one useless young lady in town, who was pulled over by the State Patrol, and they discovered meth and marijuana in her car. Along with that she had a 14 year old boy in the car. She ended up getting off with probation. WTF! She's about 24, no job, shacks up with a known drug user, does not have custody of either one of her kids. Was totally uncooperative with her lawyer and the court, and still she gets probation. She also flunked several of her probation required urine tests, and to date has not fulfilled any of the other requirements of her probation. Like getting a job, going to NA/AA and so on. She's been arrested for non payment of her child support as well. And is she in jail for probatin violation. OH NO! She had Judge Ceceva. The judge feels sorry for the poor thing. Give me a fucking break. The only thing that broad is good for, is a good example of what you don't want to be like.
Commenting on the letter, she doesn't think a metal bucket can be a deadly weapon. She ever drop one full of grain or water on her foot? Hurts like hell. Imagine swinging it at someone! They have sharp edges for God's sake.
What's wrong with wanting to be a freelance photographer?
And the whole stalking, harassment by the ex boyfriend, protection order. Guys like that are the ones who eventually will severely wound, maim and most likely kill their ex.
Now to Ritchie Thompson. That little twirp is a pervert and has been forever. Anyone in his age group who grew up around here will tell you that. He's had girlfriends in the past, almost all of them have had little girls, and none of them dated him very long. One packed up and actually left town she was so terrified. This isn't the first time he's molested, only the first time he got turned in and busted.
If some little freak was following me around the store repeatedly wanting help finding the KY jelly, I'd have a fit too! Isn't that some kind of violation of his probation? For God's sake, if you go into Walmart, the personal lubes are over by the toothpaste, hair doodads, lotions and such. Teens and little girls do visit those sections. Does he have to grab another little girl or assault the lone clerk in the quick trip before the "Judge" gets the freaking message?
In closing, we need to vote, to NOT retain Judge Ceceva as our District Court Judge. She should retire and spend her days shopping for antiques, trinkets and such and maybe walk her dogs, she might lose a little of that big ole fat ass she's got. Maybe she could hang out with Ritchie and help him locate the lube!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
Update on the marjuana dog
The marjiauna dog lived! Totally amazing! That puppy was on deaths door when she came in. The fact that she lived has nothing to do with any treatment we did. The good Lord was looking down on Fluffy.
There is a part of me that is optomistic that Fluffy will serve a higher purpose.
I know she touched my heart.
Our local State Patrol is pushing this case hard and busting butt to make an animal cruelty charge. I know it seems odd that it should be that tough to make a case, but heck we're in Nebraska, home of the screwed up safe haven law. Along with one of the worst child welfare states in the nation. The safe haven law and it's screwed up mess should tell you that.
We, in the state of Nebraska, can't even get child welfare and safety right, let alone animal welfare.
The troopers are pushing for animal cruelty, because it carries a stiffer fine and tougher punishment than the possesion of marijuana charge. Go figure? I just hope they get it done.
Now, back to the "safe haven" issue.
OMG! What a fucking mess. Nebraska is one of the last states to come on board with a safe haven law. Shame on us. Then our fearless leaders in Lincoln, don't put an age limit on it so we have people dropping off kids of all ages. Then we have people from other states dropping of kids of all ages.
Then, we have folks writing letters to the editors in papers all over the state, whining about the safe haven law. We even made Fox News more than once, in 2 weeks!
Nebraska's safe haven law, was not properly written by our lawmakers. But, if you look back over the last several years and paid any attention to Nebraska news, you will note we have one of the worst states in the nation when it comes to child welfare. It's been investigated, audited, studied, had reccomendations, and we still suck.
The one thing I have learned from the Nebraska safe haven law fiasco is, Nebraska sucks at taking care of our children.
A lot of lettors to the editor took the tone, of these parents don't want their kids. But if you really followed it, that is not the case.
One mother, a single mom, has a good job, insurance benifits, not on welfare, pays her bills. She has 2 children and a cat. She has a son, that she invoked the safe haven law on and dropped off. It's not that she didn't want to keep him. But at 11 or 12 he was out of control. He was beating his sister, torturing the cat and destroying the house. Her insurance would only pay for 2 or 3 days of help in a mental facility. That was not enough. She went to all the state agencies, reached out to church and community organizations.
But, because this Mom is doing all the right things, her kid couldn't get the help he really needed. She dropped him off at a hospital and invoked the Nebraska safe haven law and gave up custody of her son, because she knew it was the only way he would get the help he needed. Not to mention she has to be concerned about her other child and the pet, whose well being and life she is responsible for.
She did NOT drop this child off because she didn't want him, she dropped him off because it was the only way he could get the help he needed!
She said as much in an interview with an Omaha World Herald reporter.
So, to the leaders of the great Cornhusker state.
When are we going to get some decent animal cruelty laws and when are YOU going to get your heads out of your asses and quit farting around with our child welfare laws, and audits, investigations, reccomendations, and MAKE the people in those jobs actually do their jobs.
In the private sector if I sucked as bad at my job as you do, I'd be unemployed!
There is a part of me that is optomistic that Fluffy will serve a higher purpose.
I know she touched my heart.
Our local State Patrol is pushing this case hard and busting butt to make an animal cruelty charge. I know it seems odd that it should be that tough to make a case, but heck we're in Nebraska, home of the screwed up safe haven law. Along with one of the worst child welfare states in the nation. The safe haven law and it's screwed up mess should tell you that.
We, in the state of Nebraska, can't even get child welfare and safety right, let alone animal welfare.
The troopers are pushing for animal cruelty, because it carries a stiffer fine and tougher punishment than the possesion of marijuana charge. Go figure? I just hope they get it done.
Now, back to the "safe haven" issue.
OMG! What a fucking mess. Nebraska is one of the last states to come on board with a safe haven law. Shame on us. Then our fearless leaders in Lincoln, don't put an age limit on it so we have people dropping off kids of all ages. Then we have people from other states dropping of kids of all ages.
Then, we have folks writing letters to the editors in papers all over the state, whining about the safe haven law. We even made Fox News more than once, in 2 weeks!
Nebraska's safe haven law, was not properly written by our lawmakers. But, if you look back over the last several years and paid any attention to Nebraska news, you will note we have one of the worst states in the nation when it comes to child welfare. It's been investigated, audited, studied, had reccomendations, and we still suck.
The one thing I have learned from the Nebraska safe haven law fiasco is, Nebraska sucks at taking care of our children.
A lot of lettors to the editor took the tone, of these parents don't want their kids. But if you really followed it, that is not the case.
One mother, a single mom, has a good job, insurance benifits, not on welfare, pays her bills. She has 2 children and a cat. She has a son, that she invoked the safe haven law on and dropped off. It's not that she didn't want to keep him. But at 11 or 12 he was out of control. He was beating his sister, torturing the cat and destroying the house. Her insurance would only pay for 2 or 3 days of help in a mental facility. That was not enough. She went to all the state agencies, reached out to church and community organizations.
But, because this Mom is doing all the right things, her kid couldn't get the help he really needed. She dropped him off at a hospital and invoked the Nebraska safe haven law and gave up custody of her son, because she knew it was the only way he would get the help he needed. Not to mention she has to be concerned about her other child and the pet, whose well being and life she is responsible for.
She did NOT drop this child off because she didn't want him, she dropped him off because it was the only way he could get the help he needed!
She said as much in an interview with an Omaha World Herald reporter.
So, to the leaders of the great Cornhusker state.
When are we going to get some decent animal cruelty laws and when are YOU going to get your heads out of your asses and quit farting around with our child welfare laws, and audits, investigations, reccomendations, and MAKE the people in those jobs actually do their jobs.
In the private sector if I sucked as bad at my job as you do, I'd be unemployed!
Random Friday night budlight thoughts
So, folks TGIF!
The stock market is in the crapper, the whole world is looking at a recession, the election and American politics are in the toilet with the stock market, folks are losing there homes like crazy.
So, what do we have to be happy about?
Well, for one, it's Friday, thank God.
The little pissant amount of money I have in the stock market in my 401k is not enough to worry about.
I'm not worried about the national election, I'm following my local politics, wheel tax, and a shitty district judge we need to kick to the curb.
Good old District Judge Kristine Ceceva, who didn't think that Ritchie Thompson, the sex offender should go to the state pen, because he's only 5'2"! What a crock of shit. On top of that I know that Jen Cartwright, a Sidney, NE resident, who has been arrested and convicted for posession of meth, has flunked her pee test 3 times, and is still walking the streets!
If you are on probation and you flunk your pee test, shouldn't you go to jail for probation violation?
And her little sister, Jackie, was pulled over, with a man, not her husband, (her husband is in the army and was at his base station in Hawaii), that was arrested by the ATF, hauled off never to be heard from again. On top of that she had her and her husbands baby in the car, and she was let go. What the fuck is up with that!?
On the wheel tax issue. It is going to be on our local ballot to help raise money to fix the streets on the north side of town. I will give you this, those streets need fixed. But I have a problem with this whole thing. There are no businesses, only residential on the north side of Sidney, NE. Along with our illustrious low income housing "Cheyenne Villa". Which keeps our local City of Sidney Police Department busy 24/7 because no one has a job, they're living there for free, their neglected kids run amok while the Mom's and boyfriends, smoke pot, drink, deal dope and try to hide thier pit bulls from the management.
Now the city wants everyone in the COUNTY to help pay to fix the streets up there. I don't have a problem with the good residents, but this is a town of only 6000 pops. Let's clean up the shit and make it miserable for them, we need to make the north side of town a good place to live.
It's amazing, a nice house, any other place in Sidney, might be worth x amount of dollars, but if it is on the north side, it's worth x-, because it's on the north side. In a town of only 6000 pops, it does not speak well of our city government, local police, and sheriff's department.
Our local state patrol, and drug dog, are always ready and willing to help out anytime. They don't even want the glory for an arrest. That means sitting in the office doing paperwork. But our PD and SO have such a pissing contest going on that they won't share info with each other, let alone with the State Patrol.
But let something go wrong! Who do they call? The State guys! Send the SWAT Team,we can't handle it.
I would really like to know why all of our local law enforcement can't share and cooperate. It is all for the good of the community. The more cooperation, the less crime, the happier the tax paying citizens! Pretty simple if you ask me.
What it boils down to is, it's life, and no one gets out alive. So while you're here, most of the time, you need to put your own needs aside and do the RIGHT thing.
I work for a veterinarian, I know about doing the RIGHT thing, versus doing the money thing. Mostly we do the money thing, but some days, you gotta forget about the money and do the RIGHT thing, for the good of the animal who does not have a voice or a choice.
Almost forgot, good news. DH got raise, we have stable jobs, don't need no damn bail out!
Go McCain/Palin!
Thanks for listening.
The stock market is in the crapper, the whole world is looking at a recession, the election and American politics are in the toilet with the stock market, folks are losing there homes like crazy.
So, what do we have to be happy about?
Well, for one, it's Friday, thank God.
The little pissant amount of money I have in the stock market in my 401k is not enough to worry about.
I'm not worried about the national election, I'm following my local politics, wheel tax, and a shitty district judge we need to kick to the curb.
Good old District Judge Kristine Ceceva, who didn't think that Ritchie Thompson, the sex offender should go to the state pen, because he's only 5'2"! What a crock of shit. On top of that I know that Jen Cartwright, a Sidney, NE resident, who has been arrested and convicted for posession of meth, has flunked her pee test 3 times, and is still walking the streets!
If you are on probation and you flunk your pee test, shouldn't you go to jail for probation violation?
And her little sister, Jackie, was pulled over, with a man, not her husband, (her husband is in the army and was at his base station in Hawaii), that was arrested by the ATF, hauled off never to be heard from again. On top of that she had her and her husbands baby in the car, and she was let go. What the fuck is up with that!?
On the wheel tax issue. It is going to be on our local ballot to help raise money to fix the streets on the north side of town. I will give you this, those streets need fixed. But I have a problem with this whole thing. There are no businesses, only residential on the north side of Sidney, NE. Along with our illustrious low income housing "Cheyenne Villa". Which keeps our local City of Sidney Police Department busy 24/7 because no one has a job, they're living there for free, their neglected kids run amok while the Mom's and boyfriends, smoke pot, drink, deal dope and try to hide thier pit bulls from the management.
Now the city wants everyone in the COUNTY to help pay to fix the streets up there. I don't have a problem with the good residents, but this is a town of only 6000 pops. Let's clean up the shit and make it miserable for them, we need to make the north side of town a good place to live.
It's amazing, a nice house, any other place in Sidney, might be worth x amount of dollars, but if it is on the north side, it's worth x-, because it's on the north side. In a town of only 6000 pops, it does not speak well of our city government, local police, and sheriff's department.
Our local state patrol, and drug dog, are always ready and willing to help out anytime. They don't even want the glory for an arrest. That means sitting in the office doing paperwork. But our PD and SO have such a pissing contest going on that they won't share info with each other, let alone with the State Patrol.
But let something go wrong! Who do they call? The State guys! Send the SWAT Team,we can't handle it.
I would really like to know why all of our local law enforcement can't share and cooperate. It is all for the good of the community. The more cooperation, the less crime, the happier the tax paying citizens! Pretty simple if you ask me.
What it boils down to is, it's life, and no one gets out alive. So while you're here, most of the time, you need to put your own needs aside and do the RIGHT thing.
I work for a veterinarian, I know about doing the RIGHT thing, versus doing the money thing. Mostly we do the money thing, but some days, you gotta forget about the money and do the RIGHT thing, for the good of the animal who does not have a voice or a choice.
Almost forgot, good news. DH got raise, we have stable jobs, don't need no damn bail out!
Go McCain/Palin!
Thanks for listening.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
The dog that ate the marijuana
Ok, some of you frequent here to see what's up at Redneck Revue, some of of you stumble across this blog, looking for redneck horseshoes.
I appreciate my regular readers and welcome any new ones. Now, I have a story for all of you!
If you don't know, I work for a veterinarian, most days, it's vaccinations, vomiting, declaws, spays, etc. pretty mundane stuff.
But, once in a while something that just blows your mind will walk in the door. It happened today.
Wednesday, is our Dr.s day off. So me and the vet tech use Wednesdays to catch up on filing, cleaning, inventory, etc.
We had a quiet day, until about 4pm. A lady from a nearby town walks in with a sick puppy. It's about 4 months old, very thin, rigid, and not very responsive.
Just a bit of background here. Bear with me while I set this up.
This lady is from a town 40 miles away and suddenly showed up a few weeks ago with one sick puppy, we fixed it up.
Then she shows up with 4 sick boxer puppies, thin, dirty, loaded with worms.
I have to give the lady credit, her heart is in the right place, but, her brain isn't.
Given we are a small, rural community, I ask around a bit, because things are just not right with this whole deal. Come to find out, her father was arrested a few years ago on animal cruelty charges. The man had sheep in his basement, cows that starved to death and numerous dogs and cats in the house that were seized, sick and most had to be euthanised. This was not discovered until he went to the hospital and the EMT's that picked him up turned him in.
Anyway, this lady is his daughter.
So she shows up this afternoon with another sick puppy. She had given this puppy to a man she had rented her fathers house to. The puppy had eaten part of a house plant and the renters stash of marijuana! The renter called the "lady" and said he was going to take the puppy and have it put down because it kept eating his "stuff". She went and got it and brought it to us.
I have seen a lot of things in my career at the veterinary hospital, but this takes the cake. I called the cops.
The "lady" is not at fault, just not all there.
Anyway for those of you who don't know, I have a son who is a state trooper, so I just called the local office, the seargent answered the phone, I told him what was up and he was over in a few minutes.
He questioned the "lady". She is not at fault in this mess, just ignorant and not very bright.
So, to make a long story short, we gave the puppy some medicine and all prayed it lives through the night. We will have to save pooty samples, or do a necropsy on the puppy for evidence for a animal cruelty case.
The state patrol, notified the city of Kimball, Ne. The local PD is going to go investigate. The state patrol is hoping we can prove the marjiauna was eaten by the puppy. If it can be proved the cruelty to animals charges will carry a bigger fine, sentence, etc. than the posession of marijuana charges. Not to mention the guy who had the puppy has a rap sheet a frickin mile long!
Then, we're going to have to find a place for the puppy if it lives, until this is all over.
I've already decided, if it lives, *crosses fingers* I'll keep it until this mess is sorted out and we can find it a good home.
God bless the rednecks, animal lovers and our local fuzz!
I appreciate my regular readers and welcome any new ones. Now, I have a story for all of you!
If you don't know, I work for a veterinarian, most days, it's vaccinations, vomiting, declaws, spays, etc. pretty mundane stuff.
But, once in a while something that just blows your mind will walk in the door. It happened today.
Wednesday, is our Dr.s day off. So me and the vet tech use Wednesdays to catch up on filing, cleaning, inventory, etc.
We had a quiet day, until about 4pm. A lady from a nearby town walks in with a sick puppy. It's about 4 months old, very thin, rigid, and not very responsive.
Just a bit of background here. Bear with me while I set this up.
This lady is from a town 40 miles away and suddenly showed up a few weeks ago with one sick puppy, we fixed it up.
Then she shows up with 4 sick boxer puppies, thin, dirty, loaded with worms.
I have to give the lady credit, her heart is in the right place, but, her brain isn't.
Given we are a small, rural community, I ask around a bit, because things are just not right with this whole deal. Come to find out, her father was arrested a few years ago on animal cruelty charges. The man had sheep in his basement, cows that starved to death and numerous dogs and cats in the house that were seized, sick and most had to be euthanised. This was not discovered until he went to the hospital and the EMT's that picked him up turned him in.
Anyway, this lady is his daughter.
So she shows up this afternoon with another sick puppy. She had given this puppy to a man she had rented her fathers house to. The puppy had eaten part of a house plant and the renters stash of marijuana! The renter called the "lady" and said he was going to take the puppy and have it put down because it kept eating his "stuff". She went and got it and brought it to us.
I have seen a lot of things in my career at the veterinary hospital, but this takes the cake. I called the cops.
The "lady" is not at fault, just not all there.
Anyway for those of you who don't know, I have a son who is a state trooper, so I just called the local office, the seargent answered the phone, I told him what was up and he was over in a few minutes.
He questioned the "lady". She is not at fault in this mess, just ignorant and not very bright.
So, to make a long story short, we gave the puppy some medicine and all prayed it lives through the night. We will have to save pooty samples, or do a necropsy on the puppy for evidence for a animal cruelty case.
The state patrol, notified the city of Kimball, Ne. The local PD is going to go investigate. The state patrol is hoping we can prove the marjiauna was eaten by the puppy. If it can be proved the cruelty to animals charges will carry a bigger fine, sentence, etc. than the posession of marijuana charges. Not to mention the guy who had the puppy has a rap sheet a frickin mile long!
Then, we're going to have to find a place for the puppy if it lives, until this is all over.
I've already decided, if it lives, *crosses fingers* I'll keep it until this mess is sorted out and we can find it a good home.
God bless the rednecks, animal lovers and our local fuzz!
corgi puppies,
cruelty to animals,
Monday, October 20, 2008
More Joe the plumber
All I can say to Joe the Plumber is this!
Go Joe Go!
Kick ass, You are the new American Icon! You are the blue collar, fast food, plumbing, tow truck driver, electrician, certified nurses aid, grocery bag boy, average feller.
Go Joe Go!
I love ya!
Go Joe Go!
Kick ass, You are the new American Icon! You are the blue collar, fast food, plumbing, tow truck driver, electrician, certified nurses aid, grocery bag boy, average feller.
Go Joe Go!
I love ya!
Joe the plumber
Who ya gonna call? Yeah, who ya gonna call when your shitter backs up? I'm betting it won't be Joe the plumber, or pretty much any plumber with 2 cents worth of ethics or principle. I will bet your Senator Obama, that if you needed a plumber tonight, you would not find one single plumber in the whole United States of America that would come to your house and unplug your toilet, fix your furnace, unplug your sink or what ever.
I know that if I lived in your community and I was a plumber and you called me because your toto was overfloating, I'd tell you to call somebody who gives a shit, because I don't.
As far as I'm concerned, after you disrespected Joe the Plumber and his honest question, if your plumbing is backing up, you can just damn well drown in it.
Senator Obama, you managed to disrespect, put down and shit on every hard working, blue collar, American in this country.
I work for a veterinarian, I'm the person who takes care of your dog, cat, bird, lizard, whatever when it is sick or injured or just needs to be boarded. I clean up the vomit, poop, blood, pee, and so on. I never complain. I like my job.
Senator Obama, you do not have a clue where you would be without all of us who do the dirty work. And as far as spreading the wealth! Kiss my ass! I worked for that money and I want it!
We have too many lazy, I figured out how to work the system, no good, I'll just get knocked up, or have a back injury, I just don't wanna get up, dumb shits in this country, and it needs to stop!
I work for my money, in a way, you will never understand, and I want to keep as much of it as I can!
Click here for more Joe the Plumber shirts.
2008 election,
joe 6 pack,
joe the plumber,
Thursday, October 09, 2008
AIG bailout
I give up! I just fucking give up, surrender, lay down on my back, with my arms and feet up like a dog!
We bailed out AIG, then $700 billion to overpaid, stupid fat cats.
I get up this morning and hear on the news, our government is giving AIG more money, and execs are going on another spa retreat.
I think I will call the bank and tell them they can have the damn house, I'm moving into a cave and putting my money under a rock, guarded by my pet rattlesnake!
Hubby and I both have jobs and aren't behind on our house payments, but this whole bailout thing is fucking nuts. And if Obama gets elected?????
Across the road from us is a nice set of south facing rocky bluffs. We can take the backhoe and dig a nice cave and move our furniture in. There are several old shelter belts nearby for wood for cooking and heat. We could charge the laptop and cell phones at work.
I've been depressed about all this shit anyway and after 26 years I'm tired of working. I could spend my days hunting and tending a garden and in the winter I could crochet and read books bought from the local salvation army.
So, to president Bush, VP Cheney, Senator McCain, Governor Palin, Senator Obama and VP candidate Joe Biden:
I, average American Jane 6 pack am waving the white flag of surrender. I give up. You and all the other blow hard, we're gonna help you, full of shit policiticans in Washington D.C. really do not give even a fart about me and all the other folks like me.
I am still proud to be an American, but I am not proud of what my leaders are doing. You people are killing us.
We bailed out AIG, then $700 billion to overpaid, stupid fat cats.
I get up this morning and hear on the news, our government is giving AIG more money, and execs are going on another spa retreat.
I think I will call the bank and tell them they can have the damn house, I'm moving into a cave and putting my money under a rock, guarded by my pet rattlesnake!
Hubby and I both have jobs and aren't behind on our house payments, but this whole bailout thing is fucking nuts. And if Obama gets elected?????
Across the road from us is a nice set of south facing rocky bluffs. We can take the backhoe and dig a nice cave and move our furniture in. There are several old shelter belts nearby for wood for cooking and heat. We could charge the laptop and cell phones at work.
I've been depressed about all this shit anyway and after 26 years I'm tired of working. I could spend my days hunting and tending a garden and in the winter I could crochet and read books bought from the local salvation army.
So, to president Bush, VP Cheney, Senator McCain, Governor Palin, Senator Obama and VP candidate Joe Biden:
I, average American Jane 6 pack am waving the white flag of surrender. I give up. You and all the other blow hard, we're gonna help you, full of shit policiticans in Washington D.C. really do not give even a fart about me and all the other folks like me.
I am still proud to be an American, but I am not proud of what my leaders are doing. You people are killing us.
2008 election,
president bush
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Jane 6 pack again
Jane 6 pack here again!
I am still pissed! I am from Nebraska. We actually had a guy in DC who did not vote for the bailout.
Good for him. Piss on the ones who did.
I have a lousy $6000 dollar note that is due at my bank in 10 days. It is a farm note. Due to prices and etc. I do not have the whole $6ooo. That is the only debt I have hanging over my head.
Then we have AIG who sends folks on a $400,ooo + spa weekend!? After they take the fucking bailout money, that I am going to have to pay for?
Kiss my hardworking "Jane 6 Pack" ass!
I am still pissed! I am from Nebraska. We actually had a guy in DC who did not vote for the bailout.
Good for him. Piss on the ones who did.
I have a lousy $6000 dollar note that is due at my bank in 10 days. It is a farm note. Due to prices and etc. I do not have the whole $6ooo. That is the only debt I have hanging over my head.
Then we have AIG who sends folks on a $400,ooo + spa weekend!? After they take the fucking bailout money, that I am going to have to pay for?
Kiss my hardworking "Jane 6 Pack" ass!
Jane 6 pack!
I am Jane 6 pack, married to, mother, sister, grandma, niece, girlfriend whatever, of Joe 6 pack.
I am Jane 6 pack and I'm not gonna take it anymore.
The 7 billion dollar bail out approved by our elected officials is the biggest bag of bullshit I have ever seen in my life. What a crock of shit. I live on 120 acres, and I don't have enough room to spread all the bullshit that the bailout is full of!
We need to bail out loan companies cuz they made loans to people who couldn't pay them back, so now we have a credit crisis, and folks can't borrow money. Give me a fucking break! The American public does NOT need to borrow any more money. We need to pay back what we owe!
Why didn't our politicians, the powers that be, that we elect, send us a check so we could pay off our debts!?
Seven hundred billion dollars! Give me a fucking break! How is that s upposed to trickle down to me Jane 6 pack, who is married to Joe 6 pack? We are the average American who makes about $45,000/year. I challenge any politician to live my lifestyle! You want my vote? You want me to take you seriously? Live like I do! You can't do it. Not only can you n ot live on my family's income, you couldn't stand the thought of doing your own laundry, walking your own dog, fixing your own breakfast, packing a lunch, cooking your own supper, paying your own bills, picking the beans in the garden. And on and on.
It won't! Sad to say, my husband, myself and our children and the grandchildren, we don't even have yet, don't have a prayer in hell of ever paying off this mess.
Like I said, I am Jane 6 pack and I am mad as hell and I am NOT going to take it anymore and I am going to be on the ass of every politician that pisses me off, and does not at least try to use some common sense!
I won't bomb you or shoot you or anything like that, but, I will blog you, I will email you, I will write letters to the editor, I will be on local radio, I will make t-shirts and sticker that express my opinion.
I will be on your ass every second of every day, and I will let your know how I feel!
Jane has spoken and will continue to do so until every single elected official gets their shit together and represents the people and not the special interest groups and the big money!
You don't understand where the big money really is! If Joe and Jane 6 pack start putting all of their money under the bed or in a can in the back yard, instead of in their 401k or their mortgage or what ever, all of you big time, over educated idiots, self sanctimoniuous assholes will be the freezing grasshopper in the ant and the grasshopper story and trust me, Jane and Joe 6 pack are going to let you freeze to death and good riddance!

2008 election,
funny redneck t-shirts,
jane 6 pack,
joe 6 pack,
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Bite Me!
Joe Biden, You and Barack are nothing more than over educated and over paid career politicians and you can
You do not have one fucking clue about the middle class and the touted $42,000/year salary.
Take out our health insurance, federal tax, state tax, 401k, medicare, medicade, social security, (which I will probably never get anything out of, thanks to a ton of yahoos who ahve figured out how to be disables, without being disabled) and whatever the hell else you think you need, and then you live on that!
And that doesn't even touch, local property tax, personal property tax, vehicle tax, tobacco tax, gas tax, local sales tax, alcohol tax, IFTA, (interstate fuel agreement tax, affects truckers who buy diesel fuel in multiple states), the personal property tax,( taxes the tractors and other farm equipment my family owns, that it uses to earn a living farming.)
Every single one of you assholes in Washington needs to get a fucking clue. You are taxing your middle class to death.
My husband and I NET about $30,000 a year after all our taxes, and we are having a hard time making it. We actually gross the $42k a year, but after we pay all our taxes, we are screwed.
$30k a year is $2500/mo. House payment, $726, then we have phone, car and property insurance, satellite tv, heat, electricity, gas, groceries and we're paying our farming expenses out of pocket, we have to meet our insurance deductible, tires, oil changes, and the list goes on, Joe 6 pack can barely afford the 6 pack anymore.
And I forgot to mention, Obama is not a gun, NRA friendly guy, so when the coyotes attack my dogs and chew the shit out of them in my front yard, what the hell am I supposed to do about that? If he takes my guns, is he gonna pay my vet bill?
You do not have one fucking clue about the middle class and the touted $42,000/year salary.
Take out our health insurance, federal tax, state tax, 401k, medicare, medicade, social security, (which I will probably never get anything out of, thanks to a ton of yahoos who ahve figured out how to be disables, without being disabled) and whatever the hell else you think you need, and then you live on that!
And that doesn't even touch, local property tax, personal property tax, vehicle tax, tobacco tax, gas tax, local sales tax, alcohol tax, IFTA, (interstate fuel agreement tax, affects truckers who buy diesel fuel in multiple states), the personal property tax,( taxes the tractors and other farm equipment my family owns, that it uses to earn a living farming.)
Every single one of you assholes in Washington needs to get a fucking clue. You are taxing your middle class to death.
My husband and I NET about $30,000 a year after all our taxes, and we are having a hard time making it. We actually gross the $42k a year, but after we pay all our taxes, we are screwed.
$30k a year is $2500/mo. House payment, $726, then we have phone, car and property insurance, satellite tv, heat, electricity, gas, groceries and we're paying our farming expenses out of pocket, we have to meet our insurance deductible, tires, oil changes, and the list goes on, Joe 6 pack can barely afford the 6 pack anymore.
And I forgot to mention, Obama is not a gun, NRA friendly guy, so when the coyotes attack my dogs and chew the shit out of them in my front yard, what the hell am I supposed to do about that? If he takes my guns, is he gonna pay my vet bill?
2008 election,
cornhusker maternity shirts,
redneck games,
Joe 6 pack
I know that I have friends that visit this blog on a regular basis and folks who find me when looking for redneck horseshoes. I love all of you! I blog about whatever makes me happy, mad, or whatever. And I use this as a ranting board, but hold onto your asses rednecks, because I am on a roll and I am major pissed off tonight.
I've been watching the vice presidential debate between Biden and Palin. I have never been so pissed off at every single politician as I am right now.
Governor Palin made a reference to Joe 6 pack and Hockey Moms. I am Jane 6 pack and the American Hockey mom, and married to Joe 6 pack. With the exception that I am a football Mom!
I was expecting to see a debate between Biden and Palin, mostly I see a bunch of crap back and forth, Obama did this, McCain did that, Obama didn't do this, McCain didn't do that, blah, blah, blah!
It's turned into a sandbox, he touched me, she touched me first big bunch of bullshit.
Then they talk about the average American middle class family who makes $42,000/year and how all of the economic, wall street, fanny, freddie crap is goint to affect all of us. God bless Sarah Palin, she is the only one who even has a clue. I dare everyone else in big government to live on those wages. They could not do it!
They blather about sending your kids to college, paying your morgtage, blah, blah, yada, yada!
My husband and I put 2 kids through college from 1998 to 2002. Yes it took that long, 4 1/2 years for a Bachelors degree for both and then, for one 6 months at State Patrol camp and another 2 years for the other in Radiology school. We couldn't afford all that, They had student loans, pell grants and JOBS! We helped out as much as we could, but our kids still graduated with debt. BUT, we did it!
And the whole support the troops stuff!? I have a friend in the military, Barack Obama is the reason that it took way to long to get Kevlar, reinforced Humvees, and a bunch of other simple stuff that would have saved the lives of a lot of American soldiers, BECAUSE HE DID NOT AGREE WITH BEING IN IRAQ! This came straight from the horses mouth of a soldier who was on the ground in Iraq!
They've talked about health care, foriegn policy, taxes, the war, the economic crisis, fanny, freddy, energy, education, gun control, blah, blah, yada, yada.
The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth is there is not one single politician in Washington who has fucking clue about how the MIDDLE CLASS really lives, except Sarah Palin.
Every time our elected officials pass another law or bill or what ever, they get US, the voters off on a tangent, and they keep us on it so we don't notice all the PORK that they attach to it.
They don't pass one single anything that is not filled with one great big old waste of our tax dollars.
I am very dissapointed in every aspect of our government. Our government from my local county commissioners, (which I ran for, but lost, by only 40 votes) to our local city council, to my state reps, to the folks who represent me in DC.
They are all on a power trip and held hostage by special interest groups.
And Biden and his reference to Scranton! A lot of us would say where the hell is Sranton? Well folks to the best of my knowledge it's in Pennsylvania. And I'm from Nebraska! I know my US geography. Whoopee for me. Oh and, don't get me wrong, my sympathies to his family's loss. But where were any of them whem my father was killed in an accident when I was 17 and I had 2 little sisters that my Mom had to raise? And not on any amount of money that he makes?!
Anyway, this particular rant is over for now, I need to go to bed, cuz Joe and Jane 6 pack have to get up in the morning and go to work and make our measily $42,000/year salary. Mind you that is before taxes, social security, medicare, medicade, health insurance and 401k deductions. We take home about 72% of that $42,000.
On a final n ote, I am so glad that our consitution was written by genisues so that it could be run by idiots and ultimatley controlled by the will of the voters.
I've been watching the vice presidential debate between Biden and Palin. I have never been so pissed off at every single politician as I am right now.
Governor Palin made a reference to Joe 6 pack and Hockey Moms. I am Jane 6 pack and the American Hockey mom, and married to Joe 6 pack. With the exception that I am a football Mom!
I was expecting to see a debate between Biden and Palin, mostly I see a bunch of crap back and forth, Obama did this, McCain did that, Obama didn't do this, McCain didn't do that, blah, blah, blah!
It's turned into a sandbox, he touched me, she touched me first big bunch of bullshit.
Then they talk about the average American middle class family who makes $42,000/year and how all of the economic, wall street, fanny, freddie crap is goint to affect all of us. God bless Sarah Palin, she is the only one who even has a clue. I dare everyone else in big government to live on those wages. They could not do it!
They blather about sending your kids to college, paying your morgtage, blah, blah, yada, yada!
My husband and I put 2 kids through college from 1998 to 2002. Yes it took that long, 4 1/2 years for a Bachelors degree for both and then, for one 6 months at State Patrol camp and another 2 years for the other in Radiology school. We couldn't afford all that, They had student loans, pell grants and JOBS! We helped out as much as we could, but our kids still graduated with debt. BUT, we did it!
And the whole support the troops stuff!? I have a friend in the military, Barack Obama is the reason that it took way to long to get Kevlar, reinforced Humvees, and a bunch of other simple stuff that would have saved the lives of a lot of American soldiers, BECAUSE HE DID NOT AGREE WITH BEING IN IRAQ! This came straight from the horses mouth of a soldier who was on the ground in Iraq!
They've talked about health care, foriegn policy, taxes, the war, the economic crisis, fanny, freddy, energy, education, gun control, blah, blah, yada, yada.
The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth is there is not one single politician in Washington who has fucking clue about how the MIDDLE CLASS really lives, except Sarah Palin.
Every time our elected officials pass another law or bill or what ever, they get US, the voters off on a tangent, and they keep us on it so we don't notice all the PORK that they attach to it.
They don't pass one single anything that is not filled with one great big old waste of our tax dollars.
I am very dissapointed in every aspect of our government. Our government from my local county commissioners, (which I ran for, but lost, by only 40 votes) to our local city council, to my state reps, to the folks who represent me in DC.
They are all on a power trip and held hostage by special interest groups.
And Biden and his reference to Scranton! A lot of us would say where the hell is Sranton? Well folks to the best of my knowledge it's in Pennsylvania. And I'm from Nebraska! I know my US geography. Whoopee for me. Oh and, don't get me wrong, my sympathies to his family's loss. But where were any of them whem my father was killed in an accident when I was 17 and I had 2 little sisters that my Mom had to raise? And not on any amount of money that he makes?!
Anyway, this particular rant is over for now, I need to go to bed, cuz Joe and Jane 6 pack have to get up in the morning and go to work and make our measily $42,000/year salary. Mind you that is before taxes, social security, medicare, medicade, health insurance and 401k deductions. We take home about 72% of that $42,000.
On a final n ote, I am so glad that our consitution was written by genisues so that it could be run by idiots and ultimatley controlled by the will of the voters.
2008 election,
bo pelini,
palin buttons,
palin shirts,
redneck games,
vice president
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