Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Obama plays the race card, dumb ass!

So, Obama has decided to play the race card. What a dumb ass.

I'm from middle class, white, conservative, western Nebraska and I am a Redneck, and I could care less what color Obama is. Well, I didn't until he started whining about it.

Not to mention he's whining about hurricane Katrina. Kiss my big white ass.

You don't see any 300 pound black women in Iowa whining help me, some one feed me. In fact you don't see anyone whining they need any help. No, they are all helping each other clean up the mess and get on with there lives. No whining allowed.

Fuck FEMA.

And he's blaming Bush for Katrina? Give me a fucking break. Bad shit happens all the time.

In my opinion, blacks, african americans, mexicans, hispanics, gays, lesbians or whoever else you are that are claiming discrimination, prosecution, or what ever. I don't give one flying shit about any of that. YOU are the one who keeps bringing it up. I DON'T CARE! If you'd shut up about it, it wouldn't be a fucking issue.

Just come to work, do your job, and when you get home, I don't care if you sit in sweat lodge, fry fish, eat watermelons or give your SO a blow job or eat their pussy.

have a nice day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow! this ia an old thread! but Ole Sidneittes spreadin' all that very!