Monday, September 29, 2008

The bail out

This is for Jeff Fortenberry, Adrian Smith, Lee Terry, Chuck Hagel, Ben Nelson, all of the other folks in congress the senate and president George Bush.

I am not in favor of this bailout bill you're trying to pass. It's like opening the hen house door and hollering for the fox! The dumb shits that created this mess are crooked as a dogs hind leg and will use this money to line their own pockets at the expense of the average American tax payer.

You need to take a look at this from my point of view. Most of the folks I know net about $2500/mo in take home pay. The cost of this bail out scares the shit out of me. I can't afford to pay anymore taxes.

Here is what I think you should do! Write every legal American citizen over the age of 18 a check for $100,000, tax free/exempt. Trust me we will spend it!

In just my family, my husband and I, both of my children and their wives, my mother and my in laws could pay off our mortgages and other debt with money left over to spend and invest. Also that would free up income that as a good American consumer we would spend.

This would funnel a bunch of money into Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac and take care of their problems, and loads of American citizens out of debt.

We would take our extra money, save some and spend some, there by stimulating the economy!

Voila! Problems solved for everyone! And best of all, it would no doubt be cheaper than the plan you are proposing!

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